
Hyperopia or far sight affects about 8 % of all children. In many cases hyperopia is detected because the child complain of eye pain. The eyes of someone who is far sighted have a resting point that is about twice as far as other children. When the child starts to go to kindergarten or to school they are required to draw and learn to write and read.

This activity demand that the eyes be turned in much more than when the child looking far away. As a result eye strain develop and the child can feel it. Many children do not realize they are far sighted before they are tested becauce of the childs natural focusing capacity.

Far sighted children have difficulty with near vision activities such as reading. Especially for longe periods of time. Usually, plus lenses are presecribed in order to reduce the eye strain.

There is also some old research, no longer relevent, that suggest that far sight lead to strabismus or amblyopia. This is no longer considered to be the case.


Workshop in Zurich, Switzerland.

How effective is Vision Training?

Often plus lenses are prescribed to be as powerful as the child can tolerate. This result is children wearing plues lenses that are far too strong for them. Wearing plus lenses for any length of time alters the visual function of the child's eyes. In some cases the child's distance vision is affected as well. In other cases the child can't even read without the plus lenses.

The Vision Training approach - seek to build up the childs natural visual stamina so he or she can easily focus and glasses are not needed. This can sometimes reulst is dramatic reduction or total elimination of the plus lenses. From time to time it is discovered that the child did not need the glasses in the first place.

Christof, seven years old wearing + 8 lenses in both eyes. He could not read without his glasses. He had constant headaches and stressed eyes. With the Vision Training exercises over two days, Christof was able to reduce his diopters from + 8 to +3.50 and could now read without eyestrain and headaches. Later he needs to reduce the plus power gradually as his eyes return to normal.

What you need to know about farsightedness or hyperopia. Are plus lenses really necessary? Restoring normal vision through Vision Training is actually very successful.

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John Smith

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore incidunt molestias, vitae recusandae error ipsam distinctio, ipsum. Quasi optio repellat aliquid odio obcaecati amet odit? Laboriosam, quibusdam autem fugit accusantium!"

John Smith

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